What hatchet skins in Rust can be used to replenish the inventory in this case?
Today, the hatchet in Rust is one of the most essential tools for survival, which is used by every player. Getting a stylish axe skin is a real opportunity to stand out among other players. Here are all the hatchet skins that you can get in your inventory right now:
Whiteout Helmet ($31.38)
Wasteland Hunter Gloves ($13.97)
Dragon Glass Stone Hatchet ($13.64)
Wasteland Hatchet ($11.04)
Meteorite ($6.16)
Volcanic Stone Hatchet ($3.7)
Raventale Hatchet ($3.59)
Shinobi Hatchet ($2.65)
Ancient Gods Stone Hatchet ($2.2)
Tribal Stone Hatchet ($1.98)
Veteran Hatchet ($1.56)
Midas Hatchet ($1.35)
Hatchet of Antiquities ($0.85)
Which hatchet skin in Rust is considered the most popular?
Although the Whiteout Helmet is the most expensive item in the case, the Dragon Glass Stone Hatchet ($13.64) and the Wasteland Hatchet ($11.04) are the most popular among the hatchets. These skins have a great design and an affordable price, making them the perfect choice for most players who want to stand out but aren't willing to spend too much.
What are the chances of rare hatchets falling out of the case?
The chances of skins falling out vary depending on their rarity. The rarest hatchet in the case is the Dragon Glass Stone Hatchet with a 4.834% chance of falling out. More common skins, such as the Hatchet of Antiquities, have a drop chance of around 10.513%, making them more accessible to all players, but still less valuable.
Are there any other items in the case besides hatchets?
The hatchet case also contains other useful items such as the Whiteout Helmet, Scarecrow, and No Mercy Pants. Of particular note is the Whiteout Helmet with a price of $31.38, which is the most expensive item in this case and can be a great addition to your collection, especially if you're a fan of settling in a winter biome.
What other cases from the Tools Collection can be opened to replenish your inventory?
If you liked the Case with Hatchets and want to fill up your inventory to its fullest, we suggest you take a look at all the Rust cases we offer. Specifically Tools Collection offers 2 more unique cases: the Case with Hammers and the Case with Pickaxes. Rest assured, you'll be able to find something to your liking in each one!